Benefits of sports massage

    Massage is a well known and long practised form of manual therapy thought to have been used by ancient civilisations as a form of medicine, the oldest recording of massage dates back to 700 BC China. Massage in modern times has reached every corner of the world and is a highly respected form of holistic therapy. Massage is thought to have many benefits, both physiological and psychological.

    Physiological benefits include:

    • Increased blood circulation
    • Increased flexibility, range and motion
    • Drains waste products of the body such as lactate (lactic acid)
    • Reduces chances of injury
    • Reduces pain, muscle aches
    • Increase self awareness (physical)

    Psychological benefits include:

    • Reduction of depression and anxiety
    • Relaxation

    As a Sports Therapist, massage is my go-to method of treatment, specifically sports massage techniques and deep tissue techniques. One of my favourite things about massage is the immediate effect it has on improving injury. As a therapist, I want my patient’s movement to return to as normal as is possible, the other benefits are just an added bonus. 

    Chris Moulder (Sports therapist at Atomic Sports Therapy / CB Fitness)