
The Quadriceps femoris, as the name suggests (Quad), is a group of four muscles that provide knee extension and hip flexion. These four muscles make up the majority of the thigh and are one of the most powerful muscles in the body! They help you to kick, jump, run, stand up, squat, walk and climb the stairs.

In this post we’ll go through some brief anatomy of each of the four muscles of the Quadriceps, and their function. We’ll then go through some  exercises that work the quadriceps.

Anatomy and function of the quadriceps

As already mentioned, the quadriceps are a group of four muscles that provide knee extension and hip flexion. Having strong quadriceps can help to improve athletic performance and aid in making everyday activties easier.

Rectus Femoris – this muscle extends the knee and also assists the iliopsoas to flex the thigh at the hip joint. This is the only muscle of the quadriceps that crosses both the knee and the hip joint.

Vastus Lateralis – extends the knee and stabilises the patella (knee cap).

Vastus Medialis – extends the knee and aids with correct tracking and stabilisation of the patella (knee cap). 

Vastus intermedius – extends the knee and aids with correct tracking and stabilisation of the patella (knee cap).

Now that we’ve done a quick whistle stop tour of the muscles and their function, let’s look at how we work these muscles. 

How do we strengthen the quadriceps?

There are numerous exercises to choose from to strengthen the quadriceps, here are just a few (click on the exercises to see a demonstration):

Squat variations:
Bodyweight Squat
Goblet Squat
Front Squat
Back Squat

Unilateral exercises:
Bulgarian Split Squat

Machine exercises
Hack Squat
Leg Press

Isolation exercise:

Leg Extension